Core Values

Spirit of Spokane Chorus


Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Our Vision:
  A high-level chorus on a joyful musical journey: learning. loving. performing.

Our Mission: Spirit of Spokane Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is committed to providing our members with the opportunity for musical excellence and personal growth.



The search for Excellence requires high expectations and a high level of commitment from both our leadership and our membership.  Through meticulous and disciplined musical preparation, individual commitment, goal-setting, and evaluations, we strive to give performances of high quality and maintain high standards in the art of Barbershop singing.  The following Supporting Values contribute to our journey toward Excellence:

Education:  We are committed to deepening our understanding of the musical art form of Barbershop harmony through participation in Regional education offerings.  We bring high-quality coaching to our chorus and encourage our leadership to connect with other leaders at symposiums and workshops.

Musicianship:  We offer support to our chorus members in the Barbershop style of performing as well as other musical styles.  Chorus and section rehearsals include vocal instruction, choreography plans, and interpretive plans that support and enhance our music.

Physicality:  Our members value the physical aspects of the Barbershop performance.  We understand that the high energy we bring to the risers will affect those around us, resulting in higher levels of musicality, choreography, and satisfaction.  We participate in physical warmup routines and work to put our hearts, faces, and bodies into our choreography routines.

Competition:  Preparation for contest gives us a focus on vocalizing, costuming, and choreography that is part of our Barbershop world.  It gives us an opportunity to share the growth that we have made, both personally and as a chorus, and to receive feedback in the form of judging criteria and scores. It allows us to identify areas where we need to improve and grow in our craft.


In building our sense of community there is a genuine sense of congeniality, cooperation, and mutual respect towards our fellow members.  We strive to develop a feeling of security within a culture of trust.  Lasting friendships thrive and are inclusive of all.  We are family.  We nurture relationships with our neighboring Sweet Adeline choruses and within our Region to enhance our sense of sisterhood and belonging beyond our rehearsal hall.  The following Supporting Values contribute to our journey toward a true sense of Community:

Celebration:  One of the most important and effective strategies for shaping the culture of any organization is celebration.  We use celebrations as a way to recognize goals accomplished, friendships made, and commitments to becoming a high-performing chorus.

Respect:  Our chorus members come from different backgrounds, different levels of education, different ages, different cultures, and religions.  This diversity gives us fresh perspectives that help solve problems and generate ideas.  We respect these differences and maintain an environment where members feel safe to express ideas and opinions.  We listen carefully rather than challenge and find fault.  We chose our words carefully, respond to others with empathy, and are quick to apologize.
Copyright © 2025 Spirit of Spokane Chorus