The Spirit of Spokane and Coeur d'Alene Choruses are joining forces to present Love in Every Language-Portraits of Celebrations Around the World. We are excited to give two performances: first up is December 2nd 7:00 pm one at Community United Methodist in Hayden/CdA, then December 7th 2:00 pm at Opportunity Presbyterian Church in Spokane Valley. Tickets are $15 general admission $12 seniors/students/military. Ages 10 and under free! TICKETS AVAILABLE: https://soscdashows.bpt.me/

We want to take you on a journey through different lands and times with some holiday classics sprinkled in between! We will have some finely crafted gift baskets available for early shopping opportunities for you as well. As a special feature, at each show two very talented local artists will be creating one of a kind portraits of celebrations that will be available for purchase; so don those holiday sweaters and come catch one of our shows.

For the Spirit of Spokane and Coeur d'Alene Choruses, it is important to support local charities during our shows. For the Spokane show, we are supporting two wonderful local charities. The Spokane Valley Partners Food Bank-if you are able please bring a food donation that is on the list. Also supporting the OPC Toy Store, where you can brighten up the holidays of an infant to 5th grader by donating an unwrapped new toy.